Already things are getting better. The sun has been shining almost everyday since I last wrote. I like all my teachers. And I am really liking the new friends that I’ve made. We call ourselves the Six-Pack, hehe.

Also, one old friend already took the time out to pass by this little town of Olomouc to see me. It was great to see Enrico again. It’s nice to make new friends but old friends are just wonderful to have.
I didn’t know where to take him, as I still don’t know my way around town. We ended up eating at the same Chinese Restaurant on the Town Square twice. And since I had an exam the next day, Enrico walked around town by himself. And got to know more locals in that one afternoon than I did in the almost three weeks that I’ve been here.
It’s a shame that he didn’t get to meet the Six-Pack as they went to Prague for the weekend. I MUST go with them the next time.
Now I’m looking forward to meeting up with Fiore in Italy. Her trip got pushed back a week but that’s okay. Italy, here I come!
07 October 2008
8.30 p.m.
Now I’m looking forward to meeting up with Fiore in Italy. Her trip got pushed back a week but that’s okay. Italy, here I come!
07 October 2008
8.30 p.m.
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