Friday, September 26, 2008
Girl in Olomouc
A little girl
Thought she was all grown up
She decided to leave home and all she loved
And try it out on her own
The little girl took a bus, a train, a plane
To go as far away as she could
And with little thought and even less care
She built herself a place to stay.
A little girl sits alone
In the little house she’s made
She wonders finally to herself
What it means to be all grown up
The little girl is cold and lonely
The place she found has beauty but no warmth
And in that solitary moment
She finds that she is lost
A little girl
In a little house away from home
Cries her eyes and all her heart out
And starts to grow up
26 September 2008
7.40 a.m. Olomouc
Posted by BEA at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
25 September 2008
We had about a couple of hours free in between classes today. We went around town and took some goofy pictures. Some locals were making fun of us but we didn’t care. WE were having fun!
I’m beginning to appreciate this town more and more, despite the weather. Who knows, maybe at the end of the semester, I won’t want to leave! Haha. There are so many statues, fountains and columns and nice old buildings. The cobblestone streets are beginning to grow on me as well, despite the fact that I can’t wear any of my high heeled shoes anymore.
Still have to get used to the food though. Lunch today was not good. Oh well.
This weekend we plan to go to Brno and a nearby town. Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and it’s just two hours away. I forget the name of the other place, but it’s where one of our Czech classmates lives. She’s going to let us stay at their cottage and we’re going spelunking. Whee!
I’m taking a class on Witchcraft and Magic. The professor seems pretty cool. Actually, all my professors seem to be cool. I think I shall enjoy school.
Which is what I’m here for – must not forget that! Haha.
25 September 2008
7.40 pm Olomouc
Posted by BEA at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
22 September 2008
I’m pretty psyched. Fiore is getting sent to Italy for an assignment. So I guess I’m flying there to see her.
We’ll probably do a tour of Italy. Whee! Rome, Milan, Florence, Palermo, Venice and I don’t know where else. I want to be under the Tuscan sun! I want to see Portofino! I want to gawk at things and exclaim, bellisima!
But before I forget, I need stuff from Manila so I think I will begin listing them down, hehe.
Sinigang mix
Aji ginisa mix
More lotion
Hand cream
Contact lens solution
I hope my sister won’t mind bringing all that! :)
22 September 2008
8.30am Olomouc
Posted by BEA at 8:48 AM 0 comments
21 September 2008
It’s a Sunday, I got nothing to do. Olomouc is a pretty quiet town. But I’m okay with that.
I can’t wait for classes to start. I want to start doing something. I want to start a routine or a rhythm going. I need some direction.
Can’t believe it’s only been 14 days since I left Manila. It seems like forever. Was talking to Janice who is in Japan right now. She just made some sinigang. I am so jealous. Maybe I should buy a pot and make some for myself. I just don’t know how I will manage that with the teeny tiny kitchen I have. Not to mention the lack of a rice cooker.
I need warmth!
21 September 2008
1.05 pm Olomouc
Posted by BEA at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
20 September 2008
I haven’t written in so long. I just am so tired. As in really tired.
Maybe my body was just needing its normal dose of rice. I feel a bit better now, after having a good Chinese dinner last night.
I am in Olomouc now. I breezed through Prague without seeing much of it. Boo. I was hoping to see more of it before coming to Olomouc but that wasn’t meant to be. I guess I will see it some other time.
What’s happened since I left Istanbul? Hmm. It was a good flight, but the airport officials were pretty snooty. Asked me to step aside and checked my visas for the longest time. I was cross but I guess I can’t blame them. Aah. The inconviences of having a Philippine passport. Oh well. Mr. Gryc and Helena picked up. They are such angels. The airport is quite far from the city center, I wouldn’t have been able to get to the city so easily.It was a shock to step out of the airport Christ Almighty, it was freakin’ cold. Good thing I changed my mind about wearing a short skirt!
After picking up my box from Radka’s house, we went to their house, put down my stuff, and had some coffee. Helena walked me around town for a bit. It was more to get me my Czech sim card and exchange money so we didn’t do much really. Went back home and had a yummy Czech dinner. We planned to do more sightseeing in the morning but got the bad news that I had to be in Olomouc that day. Again, the Grycs are such angels. They piled all my stuff back into the car and drove me all the way here! I really wouldn’t know what to do without them. They are so sweet. And they told me that anytime I want to go to Prague, their home is open to me. Aww. I feel so blessed. Really.
Anyway, I rushed through registration stuff with Eva, the volunteer student assistant who has been really great with us. I have met my classmates and they are really nice. I am quite happy with our small group—me, a Filipino, Sarah, an American, Gen, a Canadian, Armin, a Bosnian, and Diana, a Portuguese. And then we have four Czech classmates.
I’m still in settling down mode over here. It still feels strange, and I am far from happy. I don’t know what it is. But I dearly hope to start feeling at home and more comfortable with the as yet strange surroundings.
I actually prefer Istanbul. I think. I don’t know yet. Let’s see. That’s really all I can say. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
20 September 2008
12.45pm Olomouc
Posted by BEA at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
15 September 2008
I didn’t do anything yesterday. Had a headache. And was terribly depressed. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess. I was cross at Jay the whole day.Today we went to the hamam! I loved it. The scrubbing down and the sauna bit. How do I say this, I didn’t know I needed that much scrubbing!Haha.Goodness. The article on Lonely Planet about Turkish baths is so true! Down to the massive breasts of the, err, scrubber. And I got to touch them too,haha.Not on my own accord, mind you.
Anyway, I felt quite good after that. I was smiling again after such a bad day yesterday.In the afternoon we went for a drive with the cousin of Jay’s mom and her son. We went to the northern part of the Golden Horn. Goodness, everything was just so nice. I could just drive around all day and be amazed at what I see. If I could drive, that is.
Felt the need to eat something familiar, so I had a burger from Burger King. What comfort. But it’s quite expensive here. Oh well.
Chatted with Jay and Hatice for quite some time. Jay’s working on the Bea in Europe blog. I want to add some things, but due to certain technical problems, that will have to wait ‘til I’m in Olomouc.In the evening,we visited the sister of his mom. Goodness, so many people were waiting for us.I don’t know exactly who the others were,but there were sons and daughters and grandchildren involved.One thing struck me: the young women were so pretty!And the kids were so cute.And they were all very nice.
We watched a match between Besiktas and Trabzon. Unfortunately, it was quite lame. It ended 0-0. How sad.
Ate too much today. Gotta start dieting again! I won’t fit into my clothes anymore at the rate I’m going. Eek.
But to end this on a positive note, even though I’m getting fat, people still think I have the prettiest hands, fingers to be exact. Hehe.
14 September 2008
11.36 pm Istanbul time
Posted by BEA at 3:38 PM 0 comments
12 September 2008
Just got back from Uncle Devrim’s house on the Asian side. We had dinner with his family and Nilufer. I think I like her. She’s just a year older. We talked a little today about how confusing life is and how difficult it is to make choices. We went to visit the grave of Jay’s father. Best cemetery I’ve ever seen. It’s on a hillside – you get a sweeping view of the city. The place itself is quiet (of course) and lovely. I love the trees. I seem to like taking pictures of graves, haha.
A friend of Jay's mom went with us to the cemetery. Can’t remember her name though. She’s quite old, and has had breast cancer for the longest time. But the miracle is that she seems quite healthy. She was walking along with us, refusing a hand when climbing, asking if I wanted some help with the water jug! Amazing.
She read my fortune the other night – after drinking Turkish coffee, you turn your cup upside down, and someone reads your fortune. She saw birds and light in my future. Said there is happiness in my near future. And that I will fly high, and my dreams will come true. How perfect is that?
But who knows what tomorrow brings? Let’s see.
I’m pretty pooped. It’s almost 6 am in Manila. I better get some sleep.
12 September 2008
11.10 pm Istanbul time
Posted by BEA at 3:32 PM 0 comments
11 September 2008
I couldn’t write last night.
I saw so many places yesterday. Yesterday was the best so far.Jay’s mom took me on a boat ride down the Golden Horn to cross over to the Asian side. From the boat you see the city rising from the sea, the distant hills dotted with minarets from this and that mosque or palace.
We walked around Kadikoy for awhile, I ate some doner. Yum! Then we took a bus that would take us back to the European side via the bridge. My goodness. Crossing the bridge was wonderful. The view was great. I couldn’t stop taking photos.
Back in Europe, we got off and walked some more. I got to see more of the old walls of Istanbul. Also passed by the Christian cemetery, and then a Muslim cemetery. These I saw merely walking back to Jay’s house. In the afternoon, she took me out again, this time to the mosque in Eminonu. It’s like their version of St. Peter’s in Rome. I don’t mean its religious equivalent, but its dove thing equivalent. So many birds on the square. And people buying bird food to feed to them and get their photo taken in action.
We went inside the mosque and I heard people praying. Well it was more like someone chanting into the microphone and the people praying along quietly to themselves. I had to wear a veil to enter this one.
From there we walked again to the Grand Bazaar, saw more things. I guess I will when I drop by again on my way home to Manila. Can’t store whatever I’d buy for more than a year!But my goodness, so many stuff to buy! Spices for one. Then carpets, that nargile, jewellery, etc. I have to remember that mom wants a musical instrument.
After the Grand Bazaar, she took me to an underground water cistern from the Byzantine period. That was cool. I will let the pictures do the talking for this one. I told Jay I want him to take me there again – there’s a nice little café right by the exit that looks so quaint and romantic.
And that was it for the day. I was wasted. Well, maybe not me, but my feet. They hurt until now actually. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to do more walking today – which I am sure is on the agenda.
I am cross with Jay. I had a hard time reaching him last night. I don’t want that to happen again. Ever.
He just called. And despite everything, and I guess, because of everything, I miss him so much. I don’t know what to do anymore.
I hear his mother preparing breakfast for me outside. I better go. Because I love breakfast over here! Cheese, bread, butter, olives, jam, even freshly squeezed orange juice! Çok lezzetliydi!
Gotta go!
11 September 2008
6.57 am Istanbul time
Posted by BEA at 3:26 PM 0 comments
9 September 2008
Don’t feel much like writing. I’m falling asleep.
Today was much like family day: went to the market with Jay’s mom, went to the gym with Jay’s brother.
But of course there was more sightseeing. An Orthodox church nearby with Jay’s mom. Then the Sultan Ahmet Mosque and the Hagia Sofia with his brother. We also went to the Grand Bazaar. But we didn’t tarry too long there. Jay warned me that the prices there are too much touristy.
Today, the saying “a rose, called by any other name, would smell as sweet,” is challenging me. I don’t know what to think anymore. Let’s see how things go.
Really sleepy.
9 September 2008
11.56 pm Istanbul time
Posted by BEA at 3:21 PM 0 comments
8 September 2008
End of day one. I woke up early so it’s been a bit of a long one.
Jay’s mom took me out. We went to the market. Angel and Fiore would die. Such wonderful smells. Fresh dill, newly baked bread, olives of all kinds, spicy peppers, spring onions. Such wonderful sights. Big red tomatoes, giant cabbages, mounds of green pepper.
After the market we walked a long road lined with shops. Mostly shops of wedding dresses. Never saw so many of them in my entire life.
We bought many things, all for me. Socks of all kinds, long sleeved tops, leggings.
I wanted to eat shish kebab so she brought me to this small restaurant. Yum! Jay is right, the restaurants back home don’t stand a chance against the real thing. I want some more! But I think tomorrow I shall try other things. Like borek and that dessert Sarah was telling me about.
In the morning, Jay’s mom showed me their family photos. Tonight, I showed her mine.
They also have Deal or No Deal over here, but the format is much different.
I can’t stop missing Jay. I want to experience this whole thing with him. Oh well.
We walked so much today. I don’t know how she does it. I was huffing and puffing already – it’s quite embarrassing actually. Unhealthy me! I think I shall finally start drinking those multivitamins.
I think I shall sleep now. It’s past 4 am Manila time.
I hope to upload pictures soon and start my travel blog. I hope Jay hasn’t forgotten to start our blog – our countdown.
That’s all for tonight. Goodnight!
8 September 2008
11.15 pm Istanbul time
Posted by BEA at 3:03 PM 0 comments